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Thursday, October 9, 2014

Spaceship Could Carry First Humans to Mars in Hibernation State

Scientists are currently developing a way to send humans to Mars in a spaceship using therapeutic hypothermia.  Six to eight astronauts will undergo periods of therapeutic hypothermia treatments while in the spaceship to help the 180 day journey to Mars seem to go by faster.  Therapeutic hypothermia is a method used to put your body in an almost sleeping state, where your body temperature goes from 98.6 degrees to about 93 degrees.  Studies have shown that the humans will be fine physically be okay, but scientists are unsure of the mental affects therapetuic hypothermia will have on astronauts.  Also, another issue is that if Mars was to be colonized, we cannot just send 6 to 8 people at a time.  Specialists are working on solving these issues and working on getting humans to Mars in possibly about 20 years. 

Click here for the original article

1 comment:

  1. Great article Erin. Although personally I would not like to go Mars, this is definitely a great example of how much space technology has advanced.
