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Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Web 2.0: Multimedia Blog Posting

     This year, I am taking English I Honors as one of my classes.  My teacher is Ms. Hunter and I am looking forward to having a great year in her class.  She hasn't told us much about herself, but she is very nice, helpful, ad sometimes even funny.  Ms. Hunter seems like the teacher who will make English fun, and not a class that I will fall asleep in.  When class first started, I honestly expected it to be a lot harder than my English class in eighth grade, but so far, it is challenging but nothing that I cannot handle.  I also expected Ms. Hunter to not be my favorite teacher, but I was quickly proved wrong.  
     In only approximately two weeks of school, I have learned so much!  This Thursday, we have our first test on literary terms that we had to define last week.  By defining these terms, I have learned the definition of quite a few new literature vocabulary words that I will need to know for the rest of the year.  Next, the English department's grading policy has changed this year. The grading policy is as follows:

45%: Formal Assessments
45%: Performance Based Assessments
10%: Homework/Classwork

     In English class, we have not used any technology yet, but we plan to eventually use the Chromebooks in class. This should be a new and exciting part added to our class! One of my favorite parts of English class this year is reading Romeo and Juliet by Shakespeare. Although we are not going on any class trips, I have always wanted to read the story.  I am looking forward to an excellent year in English I Honors this year!

Ms. Hunter's Website
MLA Format Guide
What is English?


  1. English is one of my favorite classes! I'm sure you'll do great and find it really easy. A lot of other students mentioned English as well. Check out Jayme's Blog

  2. This is great, I hope you do well. Check out Techtopia
